....dedicated to providing
high quality instruction and inspirational
experiences in the

This course is for those who have previously been on the introductory course, either with us or with another provider.
During our time out we will continually build on your existing knowledge in the winter environment.
As ever, the longer you book for, the greater the learning experience and the chance for you to consolidate while on the course.
Part of the emphasis on the course is you planning days yourselves, executing them and then reviewing them once safely returned. These courses best run on a 1:4 ratio.
Winter Progressor
All courses cover, safe ropework practice, guidebook or description interpretation, navigation (if required), movement coaching and retreat tactics. All of these topics are exhaustive and will be tailored to your requirements.
Course cost includes:
Technical mountaineering ropes and rack, possible lift share during course times.
Costs exclude: accommodation, food, basic hill kit, harness, helmet, ice axe(s) and crampons (they can be hired for a surcharge of £5 per item per day)
Course costs
2 days £500
3 days £800
4 days £1200