....dedicated to providing
high quality instruction and inspirational
experiences in the

Rock Climbing
The majority of our rock climbing courses are based in the inspiring setting of the Lake District, with a range of venues from high mountain crags with long routes, to lower level crags to get more climbing from your day. We even have some wet weather venues to hide from the occasional Lakeland shower! We cater for all abilities but some sub-headings below may help you decide what to ask for. If you can't find what you want below, get in touch to see if we can accommodate you!
-For novices to the sport.
-You have some climbing experience (be it in a climbing wall or on a previous course) and you want to gain more experience whist tackling more challenging climbs.
-You climb already (perhaps by yourself or with a club) and you want learn how to lead and advance your ropework.
-Catering for up to 10 participants at a time we will take you climbing in some stunning locations suited to group use.